Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Report card input

we'd like your input on the report cards,
too big, too small? too much info, not enough. What would YOU like the report card to show you?


Becky said...

I'm so glad you guys started a blog! Douglas will be so heart broken knowing that Emma has moved on. Douglas is even cuter now that he's missing his two front teeth, so we know what he'll be wanting for Christmas, except he never seems to mention his teeth, just Transformers. Reed still has his teeth but then he is a better brusher.
Sorry, this entry has nothing to do with report cards, just glad to hear from you :)

Julie said...

I think the report cards are fine the way they are. I really don't think you could fit more information, and there isn't anything I can think of that wasn't addressed.

Anonymous said...

Have we received any report cards? Am I missing something?